Leadership Skills Training

Increasing leadership and management capacity through self-exploration, self-assessment and self-awareness. Gain new tools and best practices to become more engaged, insightful and collaborative leaders.


Purposeful Leadership

Participants in our leadership workshops and programs will gain leadership skills they can apply immediately, such as, how the power of great leadership can have immediate and lasting impact in team-based work environments. Our programs support the participant’s long term success by providing insight into the skills required to be effective leaders.

Designed to allow for maximum flexibility to work with our client’s specific and unique timelines, audiences and budgets, our workshops can be combined together based on client goals and preferences or broken down over the course of a few evenings, many evenings, a weekend workshop or a few workshops run consecutively over a few days.

One Day Leadership Workshops

  • The Discovering Your Leadership Style Workshop provides participants the opportunity to understand the different types of leaders and the skills of great leaders. Using the Clifton Strengths Assessment, participants gain insight into their unique strengths, areas for improvement, how to use these strengths in the workplace and how the different strengths styles can better work together. We also explore how identifying your team’s strengths can help you as a leader and your team as a whole. 

    Recommended Pairing: Emotional Intelligence + Understanding Motivation + Communication for Leaders

  • Emotional Intelligence is an essential asset in social, workplace and personal relationships. In the Emotional Intelligence workshop, we help participants expand their knowledge of Self-Awareness, Self-Regulation, Social Skills, Empathy and Motivation. We explore different means of communication and how to best utilize each method to create positive social interactions needed in relationship management. We also discuss the benefits of increasing our Emotional Intelligence and how using empathy in leadership can help create an optimal atmosphere for success. 

    Recommended Pairing: Discovering Your Leadership Style +  Communication for Leaders + Understanding Motivation + Creative & Critical Thinking

  • In our Communication for Leaders Workshop, participants learn communication strategies and techniques to ensure clarity when sending and receiving information. Using a communication loop, participants will learn what a perfect loop looks like and how to navigate noise to ensure effective communication with a variety of audiences.

    Participants are then guided through a self-assessment to identify their own communication style and apply that insight using role plays and activities to better understand how each of the different communication styles can best work together to send and receive information. 

    Recommended Pairing: Discovering Your Leadership Style +  Emotional Intelligence + Leading Change   

  • Motivation plays a huge role in the success of any organization. We examine how employees are motivated, discuss different theories and the role of personalities in motivation. Using the S.M.A.R.T technique, we help students learn how they can set S.M.A.R.T goals to ensure the outcomes they wish to achieve are broken down and attainable. Challenges discussed in this workshop include: dealing with low morale and how leaders can stay motivated while motivating their team.

    Recommended Pairing: Discovering Your Leadership Style +  Communication for Leaders + Emotional Intelligence

  • This workshop dives into how to build accountability across all team members in the workplace. Participants will learn habits that we find in accountable people and how to incorporate these habits into their own lives. We also explore the impact time management has on being accountable and where students can improve their time management skills. The workshop will also discuss how accountability can translate into improved performance and reoccurring success – which in turn lead to a better workplace environment and culture. 

    Recommended Pairing: Understanding Motivation + Discovering Your Leadership Style +  Communication for Leaders + Emotional Intelligence

  • The goal of the Feedback in the Workplace Workshop is to enable students to successfully give both positive and negative feedback. We discuss how to give constructive criticism and foster a positive work environment while doing so. We discuss the importance of active listening, when, where and how we give feedback and how to read body language in gaging how the feedback is being received. We end the Workshop on how to effectively receive feedback to promote a cohesive work environment. 

    Recommended Pairing: Discovering Your Leadership Style +  Communication for Leaders + Accountability in the Workplace 

  • Whether it’s a small or large change, change can cause disruptions and distress for staff which can impact your organizations productivity, output and culture. The Leading Change workshop looks to educate participants on how to lead change productively and positively in the workplace. We delve into how people react to change and what a leader can do proactively to ensure their team progresses triumphantly. The workshop educates students on how to engage in flexible thinking, combating resistance and team led approaches to change.

    Recommended Pairing: Emotional Intelligence +  Communication for Leaders + Understanding Motivation

  • In the Leadership Strategies and Coaching Workshop we look at what makes good and bad bosses, the differences between coaching and mentoring and how participants can bring each method into their workplace. Describing the competencies found in great leaders, such as trust and a growth mindset, as well as introducing tools -like the GROW method and mind-mapping- participants learn how they can employ leadership strategies for a successful coaching process.

    Recommended Pairing: Emotional Intelligence +  Communication for Leaders + Conflict Resolution + Leading Change

  • Without a doubt, leaders will encounter conflict. Within this workshop, we will dive into the four main types of conflict, as well as discovering the most common conflict styles. Participants will be guided through the steps to resolving conflict, breaking them down and  introducing tools to help discover the root cause of the conflict while working towards an effective resolution by maintaining personal wellness, finding common ground, generating options and creating a solid plan with action steps. 

    Recommended Pairing: Emotional Intelligence +  Communication for Leaders + Leadership Strategies and Coaching + Leading Change + Creative and Critical Thinking

Long Form Leadership Programs

  • The Leadership Development Training (LDT) program provides participants with relevant knowledge and skills required to develop or further enhance their leadership skills.

    Our program offers over 60 hours of training that focuses on developing the skills of emerging and existing leaders, inspiring them to take initiative when leading staff and as ambassadors of your organization.

    Our training will enable the participants to gain knowledge and comprehension of what traits and skills make great leaders by first assessing their own leadership styles. Participants will demonstrate the ability to apply appropriate information from the program that will be integrated into their leadership roles. The training will increase overall workplace productivity and communication and will allow employers to support their employee’s growth within their organizations.


A team with experience

Our team members are experienced facilitators, teachers, professional coaches and mentors. With experience and knowledge in the areas of human resources, education, social work, mindfulness, business management and facilitation within First Nations Communities across Canada.
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Rings Grey

More Programs

Bungalow 968 offers a range of long form and short form programs and workshops designed to empower Indigenous Communities across Canada.